Here we have a headstock and tailstock from a 31/2'' centre height flat and a 'V' bed lathe. Make unknown and no numbers or letters on them. The tailstock has a no 1 morse taper centre inside a 11/16'' outside diameter quill. A little bit of the tailstock nose casting just below where the quill comes out has broken off but theres plenty of support there to still function fine.
Theres a 31/4'' o/d back plate that screws on the main spindle to take a chuck.
Both these would be secured to the bed by their 1/2'' studs attached into their bases.
The headstock bearings have fine thread locking nuts for bearing adjustment so it must have been from a good quality lathe.
These may be usefull to someone for parts to make up a small centre lathe.
Can be sent by courier or collected from near Westerham Kent
Price: £10.00
Courier: £6.50
Collection or Courier/Delivery